Thursday, August 13, 2009

Two Firsts

For the first time in probably 4 years or so I am going on a vacation and for the first time in (sadly) more than I year, I am posting to this blog. What better way to start the blogging habit again that by blogging about our vacation?

So, we're on our way to New Mexico for some camping and mountain biking action and true to form, we started out about 2 hours late so I am writing in the car, it's dark, and we still have about 2 hours to go. Props to us for being so on the ball. But it's been an interesting trip so far. First, we stopped for some emergency food at the Dairy Queen in Lampassas and since I love Chris I gave in to his need to eat inside at fast food restaurants rather than just zipping through the drive through like any sane person would. In addition to about 500 flies, the people were, well, interesting. There was a gay couple wearing matching white bandanas that made me wonder if they had somehow managed to find a gang to join that far out of the big city, two old men who sat down and then 15 minutes later asked us what town they were in, and the troupe of mentally challenged kids ushered in by a little old lady who I swear wanted to steal our french fries. Even Chris had to see my point about the usefulness of the drive through after that experience.

Other than that things were pretty uneventful. We've seen some beautiful scenery - I love the bluffs in northwest Texas - and we stopped to waste time for a bit in Sweetwater with Chris' family. I love it - no time constraints and no worries. Now if only the tent could pitch itself in the dark.

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