Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Lost Forever

Okay so I've been gone forever but I'm hurtling through a creative streak right now and I have to share. I just spent six months in training for a new career (doesn't seem long but it was rather intensive) so now I guess I'm making up for all the lost craft time! I started my first knitted lace project which I'll show after I block it - it's still on the needles and just looks like a lump of black mess. I'm extra proud of it because I reclaimed the yarn from an old sweater and it's been pretty nice to knit with.

For now, since I'm at work and technically supposed to be working, I'll just post these pics of my quick gift project. It's a thank you for my boyfriend's mom - she invited us to stay with her in Pennsylvania for Thanksgiving. I went to the yarn shop on Saturday with my mother and (not being the yarn freak that I am) I think she got a little annoyed with me as I ran around with a goofy look on my face wishing I could strip and roll around in all the yarn naked. I swore it would be a quick trip and that I knew exactly what I wanted but she should have known better. I finally settled on a beautiful wool/silk blend from Lang Yarns and I love it so much that I'll have to buy more - it feels wonderful when knitting. So enough talk - here are the pics (bad ones from my cell phone - sorry):

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Was this the wonderful yarn shop in Austin? I spent an hour and a half there a few weeks ago while visiting a friend and I had that wanting to grab all the skeins I could get my hands on and roll around in them feeling too...